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  • Problem when running loops with forvalues command: error message: `i' invalid name

    Dear Statalist,

    I got a problem with running a loop.
    I give you my whole code, so you can see how variables/matrices are defined.
    The problem is: forvalues i=......{ } gives me an error message with `i' invalid name.

    I would highly appreciate your help/suggestions.

    Best wishes and thank you very much in advance!


    set more off 
    drop if aage>0 & aage<=16 
    drop if STATR==2   
    reg  lfp   edu pexp pexp2 pexp3 pexp4 i.year i.yuk  i.cohort uratem married fd  if  (age>=25 & age<65) & female==0 & im==1 & yuk<=60, robust   
    matrix beta=e(b) // to display matrix values write `matrix list beta' 
    predict yhat if e(sample)
    su yhat if e(sample)
    scalar ybar=r(mean)
    scalar nobs=e(N)
    scalar beta0=beta[1,109] //  _constant is at 109.
    matrix yuk=beta[1,"0.yuk".."60.yuk"]   
    tabulate yuk if e(sample), matcell(yukmeans) // this gives me the absolute frequencies in a matrix or vector
    matrix yukmeans=yukmeans/nobs // now generate the relative frequencies 
    matrix i1=yuk*yukmeans // this is a 1x1 matrix, I checked. 
    scalar i1=trace(i1) //  single value of the matrix and define a scalar 
    scalar i2=ybar-i1  
    generate yhat3=0 in 1/61    
    forvalues i=0(1)60 {                                             // here is where the error message comes up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `i' invalid name
        local j = `i’+1
        local alpha = el(yuk,1,`i'.yuk) 
        replace yhat3= beta0 + `alpha'  in `j'     
    generate x=_n   in 1/45     
    scatter yhat3  x   

  • #2
    First, I would note that at least part of the relevant code you have here that precedes the problem could not have executed. I note particularly
    matrix yuk=beta[1,"0.yuk".."60.yuk"]
    which is not legal syntax. (It's unusual enough that I don't know what you were trying to do.)

    Regardless of that, there's a problem with
    local alpha = el(yuk,1,`i'.yuk)
    The -el()- function expects its last two argument to be numbers, but your `i'.yuk is not a number. One way to show this to yourself is to use -set trace on- at the beginning of your forvalues loop.

    I don't understand what you wanted that statement to do, so I don't have a positive suggestion.. What, for example, did you want 0.yuk, 1.yuk, ..., 60.yuk to contain?


    • #3
      You appear to using the acute accent mark rather than the right single quote. Compare:

        local j = `i’+1
      local j = `i' +1


      • #4
        What you show in #1 also is not consistent about quotation marks. Local macro foo is evaluated like this

        Although fonts vary, in very many fonts the closing quotation mark appears to be vertical. That is sometimes but not always true of #1. So

         local j = `i’+1
        should look like

         local j = `i' + 1


        • #5
          Dear Mike, Scott and Nick
          thanks for your kind help and careful reading of my code. I apologize about overlooking such a thing. Now this should take care of the error message. Two questions remain. I have 61 estimates of 61 yuk indicators where the reference category for years since migration or years in UK is year 0 with “estimate” equal to 0. So i.yuk generates 61 values. They all appear in matrix beta = e(b). Basically what I want are two things. First define a new matrix with these 61 regression estimates. This it is what I am trying to do with matrix yuk=beta[1,........] where #2 says not a Stata syntax. When I do the loop with el() I want to extract each of these 61 estimates individually one at a time from the matrix yuk.
          This is it gentlemen!
          Any suggestions I am very grateful for.

          Best wishes


