Dear Statalist,
I got a problem with running a loop.
I give you my whole code, so you can see how variables/matrices are defined.
The problem is: forvalues i=......{ } gives me an error message with `i' invalid name.
I would highly appreciate your help/suggestions.
Best wishes and thank you very much in advance!
I got a problem with running a loop.
I give you my whole code, so you can see how variables/matrices are defined.
The problem is: forvalues i=......{ } gives me an error message with `i' invalid name.
I would highly appreciate your help/suggestions.
Best wishes and thank you very much in advance!
set more off
drop if aage>0 & aage<=16
drop if STATR==2
reg lfp edu pexp pexp2 pexp3 pexp4 i.year i.yuk i.cohort uratem married fd if (age>=25 & age<65) & female==0 & im==1 & yuk<=60, robust
matrix beta=e(b) // to display matrix values write `matrix list beta'
predict yhat if e(sample)
su yhat if e(sample)
scalar ybar=r(mean)
scalar nobs=e(N)
scalar beta0=beta[1,109] // _constant is at 109.
matrix yuk=beta[1,"0.yuk".."60.yuk"]
tabulate yuk if e(sample), matcell(yukmeans) // this gives me the absolute frequencies in a matrix or vector
matrix yukmeans=yukmeans/nobs // now generate the relative frequencies
matrix i1=yuk*yukmeans // this is a 1x1 matrix, I checked.
scalar i1=trace(i1) // single value of the matrix and define a scalar
scalar i2=ybar-i1
generate yhat3=0 in 1/61
forvalues i=0(1)60 { // here is where the error message comes up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `i' invalid name
local j = `i’+1
local alpha = el(yuk,1,`i'.yuk)
replace yhat3= beta0 + `alpha' in `j'
generate x=_n in 1/45
scatter yhat3 x